COVID-19 : overcoming challenges
Accommodations for Low Risk Patients
Our staff and ophthalmologists are transforming our clinic's approach to eye care in response to COVID-19. We believe that with careful preparation, deliberate execution, and utilizing the latest eye care technology, we can deliver the highest standard of care while also keeping staff and patients safe during this global pandemic.
In our clinic, all staff are required to wear medical-grade N95 masks and surgical grade head coverings. Self check-in kiosks will be utilized in order to limit any unnecessary face to face interaction. All persons entering our facility are required to wear facial coverings and use hand sanitizer upon entry. Mandatory temperature measurements and COVID questionnaires will be performed for all persons entering our clinic, staff and physicians included. Physical distancing is enforced throughout our waiting room and exam rooms. Only the patient, and if necessary, one family member, will be allowed to enter our facility.
In order to prevent crowding, we have spaced out appointments and streamlined our visits. In the event of a delay or extended wait, we will ask patients to wait outside our office, in our larger lobby, or in their cars.
We have increased our sterilization methods to exceed accepted clinic standards. Each room will be sterilized between patients. Testing equipment that is used will be sterilized with CDC-approved isopropyl alcohol solution after every patient contact, and clearly marked as "clean" to ensure surface sterility. Face shields and other barriers are utilized for equipment that requires close proximity between examiner and patient. Throughout our clinic, and in every room, a H13 HEPA air purifier will be in use in order to clean the air.
Accommodations for High Risk Patients
Our latest technology and our progressive approach to medicine allows us to continue to treat patients in ways that were not previously possible.

Traditional telemedicine encounter
Since we employ the latest in eye care technology, we are able to offer new services like telemedicine, where we can use video conferencing technology to enhance the patient encounter.
We this technology we are able to perform a limited examination, improve engagement with patients, and prescribe new medications or refill any existing prescriptions.

Novel curbside exams
For patients who require testing but do not want to step into our office, our clinic is equipped to perform a curbside exam where a physician and technician will meet patients and perform critical tests form the convenience and safety of a car.
From your car we can perform critical testing like visual acuity, high accuracy portable intraocular eye pressure measurements, and even gold-standard glaucoma visual fields with our portable virtual reality headset.
Our office's latest technology allows us to do what other ophthalmology office's can't. Very few offices can perform this type of testing accurately, and from the safety of your car.

Novel minimal-contact, rapid encounter
For patients who just want to get in and out of the office with minimal wait times and exposure to staff and other patients, but who also do not want compromise on full feature critical testing, our clinic will perform the same full standard array of testing required to manage eye disease.
Our ophthalmologists will then contact to you using telemedicine to obtain your medical history, review your testing, and come up with a treatment plan tailored to you, without risk of exposure or contact with other patients.

Special Situations
You are not alone. If you have a special restriction, reach out to us.
We are constantly finding ways to best accommodate the needs of our patients.
Moreover, we are continually exploring new technologies to provide care while limiting risk for our patients.
We are working to get patients their care as effectively and efficiently as possible, and we appreciate that our patients come prepared and also come with patience and understanding.
From all of us at Sequoia Eye Group, Thank you!